How to Join the Gift Economy

Personal invitation

To all my friends,

I am pleased to personally extend an invitation to you to join the Vancouver Gift Economy by signing up by email at this website:

Since May 21st of 2014, the Vancouver Gift Economy have been sharing and giving hospitality, cars, vacations, kayaks, clothing, skills, friendship, food, and more. 

Many professionals such as business owners, health practitioners, wedding planners, photographers, childcare & babysitters, web developers, writers, gardeners, graphic designers, and more -- have offered their services as a gift at no charge and with no expectation of return.

We have grown to over 623 members in 3 weeks and have been featured in the Vancouver Sun, the Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal and across Canada.

"Cars, a cruise and kayaks have been given away with no expectation of anything in return." - The Vancouver Sun.

"Pay It Forward" group in Vancouver began when founder got cancer." - Montreal Gazette

This is a place where everyone is truly welcome, there is however no selling, buying or trading that happens in this group. People do give and receive money at times though, to pay bills that can't otherwise be gifted directly.

I hope to see you there.

Your friend

P.S: You can become a member by signing up by e-mail below:

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